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7 things you could be doing to increase giving!
Posted By: on October 6, 2014
1. Accept donations on your Facebook page:

2. Accept donations on your organization's website:

3. Start a Mobile Campaign with your own QR Code and Text to Donate number!

4. Create a Project!

5. Keep an up-to-date blog or newsletter!
6. Send out personal emails to already participating givers thanking them for their donation and asking if they would consider setting up a recurring donation every month.
7. Give away or sell fundraising merchandise!

Get Paid To Blog
We are looking for great bloggers
Are you working in ministry? Do you like to blog? We'd love to share what you have with those who need it most. If you are looking to write blogs that will help Churches, Missionaries, and Non-Profits, please contact us to have your blog paid for and featured!
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